- მნიშვნელობა
- (ზმნიზედა) ჯერ
◆ Don't go yet.
◆ They had not yet come. - (ზმნიზედა) ჯერ კიდევ
◆ Are they here yet?
◆ There is yet time. - (ზმნიზედა) ამ დრომდე, აქამდე
◆ He came here on a vacation 20 years ago, and he is here yet. - (ზმნიზედა) კიდევ
◆ The mail brought yet another reply.
◆ yet more potatoes for sale
◆ yet another problem family - (კავშირი) თუმცა , მაგრამ
◆ It is good, yet it could be improved.
◆ I want to and yet I haven't the courage.
◆ She is strange yet kind.
- (მნიშვ. 1) at the present time • now • thus far • so far
- (მნიშვ. 3) still
- (მნიშვ. 4) in addition • again
- (მნიშვ. 5) but • nevertheless • still • in spite of that • though