შენიშვნა: გამოქვეყნების შემდეგ შესაძლოა დაგჭირდეთ ბრაუზერის ქეშის გაწმენდა ცვლილებების სანახავად.

  • Firefox / Safari: დააჭირეთ Shift და Reload, ან დააჭირეთ Ctrl-F5, ან Ctrl-R (⌘-R Mac-ზე);
  • Google Chrome: დააჭირეთ Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R Mac-ზე);
  • IE / Edge: დააჭირეთ Ctrl და Refresh, ან დააჭირეთ Ctrl-F5;
  • Opera გაწმინდეთ კეში Tools→Preferences-დან.
// Newer version of User:ITshnik/editor.js
window.makedefsidebox = function (q) {
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			'click': function () {
		}), newNode('a', '+Add quotation', {
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			'click': function () {
		}), newNode('a', 'More ►', {
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			'click': function () {
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			'click': function () {
		})), newNode('li', newNode('a', q.className ? {
			'style': 'cursor:pointer;'
		} : {
			'style': 'color:#AAAAAA;',
			'title': 'Please add a gloss before adding synonyms.'
		}, {
			'click': function () {
				setupnymadder(q, "Synonyms")
		}, 'Add synonyms')), newNode('li', newNode('a', q.className ? {
			'style': 'cursor:pointer;'
		} : {
			'style': 'color:#AAAAAA;',
			'title': 'Please add a gloss before adding antonyms.'
		}, {
			'click': function () {
				setupnymadder(q, "Antonyms")
		}, 'Add antonyms')), newNode('li', newNode('a', {
			'href': wgScript + '?title=User_talk:Yair_rand/editor2.js&action=edit&section=new'
		}, 'Give feedback on this tool')), newNode('li', newNode('a', {
			'style': 'cursor:pointer',
			click: function () {
				$.cookie("DisableYREdit", 1, {
					path: '/'
				location.href = location.href
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function setupusexadder(qq) {
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						return util.validateNoWikisyntax('transliteration', true)(txt, error)
					return ''
				'translation': function (txt, error) {
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						return util.validateNoWikisyntax('translation', true)(txt, error)
					return ''
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				(values.script == "Latn" ? "''" + values.examplesentence + "''" : "{{" + values.script + "|lang=" + findlang_ + "|''" + values.examplesentence + "''}}\n:''" + values.transliteration + "''") + (findlang_ != "en" ? "\n:''" + values.translation + "''" : ''), function (newhtml) {

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					}, usextobeadded)

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window.editdefinition = function (qq) {

	(new Editor).withCurrentText(function (wikitext) {
		if (qq.YREditing) {
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					'style': defeditoptions.styles[1],
					click: function () {
				}, "Preview Changes ►"))))))
			'fields': {
				'definition': function (txt, error) {
					return txt || error("Please specify a definition.")
			'onsubmit': function (values, render) {
				render(values.definition, function (newhtml) {

					editor = new Editor()
					var findnumberofdefs = findnumberofdefs_(qq) // apparently this is sometimes necessary
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						edit: function (wikitext) {
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							ccc = wikitext;
							return wikitext
						redo: function () {
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							qq.YREditing = false;
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							updatecatscallback && updatecatscallback();
							qq.YREditing = true;
						summary: "def: " + values.definition
					}, addedspan)


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function findtopli(li) {
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	return li;

function findnumberofheaders_(tosearchfrom) {
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function findnumberofdefs_(tosearchfrom) {
	var findnumberofdefs = [],
		tosearchfrom_, findnumberofpredefs = 0,
	// subdefinitions
	while (tosearchfrom.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") {
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	for (tosearchfrom_ = tosearchfrom_.parentNode.previousSibling; !tosearchfrom_.nodeName.match(/^h\d$/i); tosearchfrom_ = tosearchfrom_.previousSibling) {
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	result = "([\\s\\S]*?\n#[\\s\\S]*?\n(?!#)){" + findnumberofpredefs + "}";
	for (var i = 0; i < findnumberofdefs.length; i++) {
		result += "([\\s\\S]*?\n" + Array(i + 2).join("#") + "(?![:*#])){" + findnumberofdefs[i] + "}";
	return result;

function findlang(tosearchfrom, callback) {
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		return callback(tosearchfrom_.firstChild.lang || tosearchfrom_.firstChild.firstChild.lang || tosearchfrom_.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lang)

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function setupquoteadder(q) {
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				'year': util.validateNoWikisyntax('year', true),
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					return t
				'source': function (t) {
					return t ? ", ''" + t + "''" : ''
				'publisher': function (t) {
					return t ? ", " + t : ''
				'page': function (t) {
					return t ? (/\-/.test(t) ? "pages " + t : "page " + t) : t
				'translation': function (t) {
					return t
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window.addPOSHeader = function (cancelhover) {
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					'disabled': 'disabled'
			fields: {
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					return poslist.indexOf('\n' + txt + '\n') > -1 ? txt : error('Please select a valid part of speech.')
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					return txt || "{" + "{infl}}"
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							updatecatscallback && updatecatscallback()
						'summary': '+pos ' + values.pos
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function addgloss(qq) {
	var senseidform;
	findlang(qq.parentNode, function (findlang_) {
		if (qq.addinggloss) {
		qq.addinggloss = true;
		editor = new Editor();
		new AdderWrapper(editor, {
			'createForm': function () {
				return senseidform = newNode('form', {
					'style': 'display:inline; padding-right:20px;'
				}, newNode('input', {
					'size': 30,
					'name': 'senseid'
				}), newNode('input', {
					'type': 'submit',
					'value': 'Add'
				}), newNode('input', {
					'type': 'button',
					'value': 'Cancel',
					'click': function () {
						qq.addinggloss = false
				}), newNode('a', {
					href: '/wiki/Help:Glosses'
				}, 'Help?!'))
			'fields': {
				'senseid': util.validateNoWikisyntax('gloss', true)
			'onsubmit': function (values) {
				var findnumberofheaders = findnumberofheaders_(qq)
				var findnumberofdefs = findnumberofdefs_(qq)
				senseidform.lastChild.innerHTML = '';
				var nymB = qq.getElementsByTagName('li')[1]
					edit: function (wikitext) {
						wikitext = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + ")"), "$1{{senseid|" + findlang_ + "|" + values.senseid + "}}");
						return ccc = wikitext;
					redo: function () {
						senseidform.style.display = "none";
						nymB.firstChild.style.color = nymB.nextSibling.firstChild.style.color = "#0645AD";
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					undo: function () {
						senseidform.style.display = "inline";
						nymB.firstChild.style.color = nymB.nextSibling.firstChild.style.color = "#AAAAAA";
						nymB.firstChild.title = 'Please add a gloss before adding synonyms.';
						nymB.nextSibling.firstChild.title = 'Please add a gloss before adding antonyms.'
					summary: "+senseid: " + values.senseid
		}, qq, qq.childNodes[1])
		editor.withCurrentText(function (wikitext) {
			wikitext = wikitext.match("==" + (window.loadedTabs ? tabbedLanguages[currentLanguageTab] : $(findtopli(qq).parentNode).prevUntil("h2").eq(-1).prev().find(".mw-headline").text()) + "==\n[\\s\\S]+?(----|$)")[0];
			if (!wikitext) return;
			var senses = '',
				matches = wikitext.match(/(\{\{sense\||\{\{trans-top\|)[^\}]+(?=\}\})/g)
				if (!matches) return;
			for (var ms = 0; ms < matches.length; ms++) {
				senses += "\n" + matches[ms].split("|")[1]
			if (!senses) return;
			senseidform.firstChild.onkeyup = function (e) {
				e = (e || event).keyCode;
				if (!(e >= 33 && e <= 40) && e != 8 && e != 46 && e != 27 && e != 16 && this.value) {
					if (senses.indexOf('\n' + this.value) > -1) {
						if (this.setSelectionRange) this.setSelectionRange([this.value.length, this.value = senses.match(RegExp("\n" + this.value + "[^\n]*")).toString().substr(1)][0], this.value.length);
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							z.moveEnd('character', 0 - z.move('character', [this.value.length, this.value = senses.match(RegExp("\n" + this.value + "[^\n]*")).toString().substr(1)][0]) + this.value.length);

function editgloss(qq) {

	editor = new Editor()
	editor.withCurrentText(function (wikitext) {
		if (qq.editinggloss) {
		qq.editinggloss = true;
		var findnumberofheaders = findnumberofheaders_(qq)
		var findnumberofdefs = findnumberofdefs_(qq)
		var senseidform;
		var oldsenseid;
		new AdderWrapper(editor, {
			'createForm': function () {
				var thisId = "a" + String(Math.random()).replace(".", "")
				oldsenseid = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + "\\s?)"), '').match(/^\{\{senseid\|[^\\|]*\|([^\}]*)/)[1]
				return senseidform = newNode('form', {
					'style': 'display:inline; padding-right:20px; '
				}, newNode('input', {
					'size': 30,
					'name': 'senseid',
					'value': oldsenseid
				}), newNode('input', {
					'type': 'checkbox',
					'id': thisId,
					'name': 'changematching',
					style: 'display:' + (window.tabbedLanguages ? 'inline' : 'none')
				}), newNode('label', {
					'for': thisId,
					style: 'display:' + (window.tabbedLanguages ? 'inline' : 'none')
				}, 'Edit matching glosses'), newNode('input', {
					'type': 'submit',
					'value': 'Change'
				}), newNode('input', {
					'type': 'button',
					'value': 'Cancel',
					'click': function () {
						qq.editinggloss = false;
				}), newNode('a', {
					href: '/wiki/Help:Glosses'
				}, 'Help?!'))
			'fields': {
				'senseid': util.validateNoWikisyntax('gloss', true),
				'changematching': 'checkbox'
			'onsubmit': function (values) {
				var ttables = [],
					sensetemps = [],
					backups = [];
				if (values.changematching) {
					ttables = jQuery(".NavHead", languageContainers[currentLanguageTab]).filter(function () {
						if (this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].className != "translations") return false;
						for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
							if (this.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3 || this.childNodes[i].className == 'wt-edit-recurse') {
								return (this.childNodes[i].nodeValue || this.childNodes[i].innerHTML) == oldsenseid;
					sensetemps = jQuery(".qualifier-content", languageContainers[currentLanguageTab]).filter(function () {
						return this.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.className == "ib-colon" && this.innerHTML == oldsenseid;
					edit: function (wikitext) {
						wikitext = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + "\\s?(\{\{senseid\\|[^\\|]*\\|))[^\}]*"), "$1" + values.senseid);
						if (values.changematching) {
							var asd = wikitext.match('==' + tabbedLanguages[currentLanguageTab] + '==\n[\\s\\S]+?(\n==[^=]|$)');
							wikitext = wikitext.replace(asd[0], asd[0].replace(RegExp("\\{\\{(sense|trans-top)\\|" + oldsenseid + "\\}\\}", "g"), "{\{$1\|" + values.senseid + "}}"))
						return ccc = wikitext
					redo: function () {
						senseidform.style.display = "none";
						for (var i = 0; i < ttables.length; i++) {
							while (ttables[i].childNodes[1]) {
								backups[backups.length - 1].appendChild(ttables[i].childNodes[1]);
						for (var i = 0; i < sensetemps.length; i++) {
							backups[backups.length - 1].appendChild(sensetemps[i].firstChild);
					undo: function () {
						senseidform.style.display = "inline";
						for (var i = 0; i < ttables.length; i++) {
						for (var i = 0; i < sensetemps.length; i++) {
					summary: "senseid: " + values.senseid
		}, qq, qq.childNodes[1])

function setupnymadder(qq, nymtype) {
	var passtheseheaders = "Usage notes|Inflection|Conjugation|Declension|Quotations",
		nymtypelist = ["Synonyms", "Antonyms", "Hypernyms", "Hyponyms", "Meronyms", "Holonyms"]
	for (var x = 0; nymtypelist[x] != nymtype; x++)
	passtheseheaders += "|" + nymtypelist[x];
	if (qq.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") qq = qq.parentNode.parentNode;
	var findnumberofheaders = findnumberofheaders_(qq)
	var findnumberofdefs = findnumberofdefs_(qq.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li')[0])
	for (var findheaderlevel = qq.parentNode; !/^h\d$/i.test(findheaderlevel.nodeName); findheaderlevel = findheaderlevel.previousSibling);
	findheaderlevel = Number(findheaderlevel.nodeName.match(/\d/));
	var senseidencoded = []
	editor = new Editor()
	editor.withCurrentText(function (wikitext) {

		// Find nym header, or add it if it doesn't exist
		var qqq = qq.parentNode;

		while (!((qqq.className == "fakesubheader" || /h\d/i.test(qqq.nodeName)) && !qqq.innerHTML.match(passtheseheaders) || qqq.className == "printfooter" || qqq.className == "fakeheader" || qqq.className == "catlinks")) {
			qqq = qqq.nextSibling
		if (!qqq.innerHTML.match(nymtype)) {
			qqq = qqq.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode('div', {
				'class': 'fakesubheader'
			}, newNode('h' + (findheaderlevel + 1), nymtype)), qqq);
		// relevant vars: 
		//  findheaderlevel is the the headerlevel of the most recent header above the ol
		//  qq is still the li itself
		//  qqq is the (possibly newly added) nym header
		// find all relevant senseids, make an array of them, the whole template in each
		var senseid = wikitext.replace(
		RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + ")"), '').replace(/\n\n[\s\S]*$/, '').match(/\{\{senseid\|[^\\|]*\|[^\}]*/g)

		if (!senseid) {
			alert("No glosses were found. Click \"Add gloss\" to attach a gloss to the definition before adding " + nymtype.toLowerCase() + ".");

		// run through senseids, checking for a corresponding span id'd nymtype-langcode-id, adding them encased in an li in a soon-to-be-parsed temp variable if not found, otherwise suppressing new form creation
		temp = ""
		var nymformexists = []
		for (var i = 0; i < senseid.length; i++) {
			if (document.getElementById(senseidencoded[i] = nymtype + "-" + encodeURIComponent(senseid[i].split("|")[1] + "-" + senseid[i].split("|")[2]).replace(/%20/g, '_').replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%/g, '.'))) {
				nymformexists[i] = true
			} else {
				temp += "* {" + "{sense|" + senseid[i].split("|")[2] + "}} <span id='" + nymtype + "-" + senseid[i].split("|")[1] + "-" + senseid[i].split("|")[2] + "'></span>\n"

		JsMwApi().page(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).parseFragment(temp, function (res) {
			var qqqq = newNode('span')
			qqqq.innerHTML = res
			qqqq = qqq.parentNode.insertBefore(qqqq.firstChild, qqq.nextSibling) // the ul containing the form-holder spans, right below the nym header
			for (var i = 0; i < senseid.length; i++) {
				if (!nymformexists[i]) {
					setupnymadder2(i, senseid, wikitext)
			if (qqqq.getElementsByTagName && qqqq.getElementsByTagName('li').length == 0) {
			scroll(0, jQuery(qqq).offset().top)


	function setupnymadder2(i, senseid, wikitext) {

			var nymtype2 = nymtype.slice(0, -1).toLowerCase()
			var x = document.getElementById(senseidencoded[i]);

			var theform
			new AdderWrapper(editor, {
				'createForm': function () {
					return theform = newNode('form', {
						'style': 'display:inline;'
					}, newNode('input', {
						'name': 'nym'
					}), newNode('input', {
						'value': 'Add',
						'type': 'submit'
				'fields': {
					'nym': util.validateNoWikisyntax(nymtype2, true)
				'onsubmit': function (values, render) {
					theform.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = ""
					var firstnym = !theform.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]
					var addedwikitext = (firstnym ? '' : ', ') + "{" + "{l|" + senseid[i].split("|")[1] + "|" + values.nym + "}}"
					render(addedwikitext, function (res2) {
						var nodeToInsert = newNode('span')
						nodeToInsert.innerHTML = res2
							edit: function (wikitext) {
								// unindent
								findnumberofdefs = findnumberofdefs_(qq.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li')[0])

								if (wikitext.substr(wikitext.length - 1, 1) != "\n") {
									wikitext += "\n"

								if (!wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + ")"), '').replace(RegExp("(\n(=|\\{\\{subst:=\\}\\})={" + (findheaderlevel - 1) + "}[^=][\\s\\S]*$)"), '').match(RegExp(nymtype + "={" + findheaderlevel + "}"))) {
									wikitext = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + "[\\s\\S]*?(\n(?=(\\{\\{subst:=\\}\\}|=)=+(?=[^=])(?!(" + passtheseheaders + ")))|$))"), "$1{" + "{subst:=}}===" + (findheaderlevel == 4 ? "=" : "") + nymtype + (findheaderlevel == 4 ? "=" : "") + "====\n\n")

								if (firstnym) {
									var passthesesenseids = [];
									for (var ii = 0; ii < i; ii++) {
										passthesesenseids.push("\\* \\{\\{sense\\|" + senseid[ii].split("|")[2] + "\\}\\}")
									wikitext = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}" + findnumberofdefs + "[\\s\\S]*?=" + nymtype + "=+[\\s\\S]*?\n" + (passthesesenseids.length > 0 ? "(?!(" + passthesesenseids.join("|") + ")))" : ")")), "$1* {" + "{sense|" + senseid[i].split("|")[2] + "}} " + addedwikitext + "\n")
								} else {
									wikitext = wikitext.replace(RegExp("(^[\\s\\S]*?((^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findnumberofheaders + "}[\\s\\S]*?=" + nymtype + "=+[\\s\\S]*?\\{\\{sense\\|" + senseid[i].split("|")[2] + "\\}\\}.*)"), "$1" + addedwikitext)

								return ccc = wikitext;

							redo: function () {
								theform.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToInsert, theform.parentNode)
							undo: function () {
							summary: "+" + nymtype2 + " [[" + values.nym + "]]"
						}, nodeToInsert)
			}, x)

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